A fair transition for Scotland’s oil workers

Our first demand of the “Scottish government vocally opposing all new oil and gas in the North Sea” has been met. Now our Government must make the moves to make sure that the transition is just.

Why a Fair Transition?

In Scotland, we are far too familiar with what an unfair transition looks like, from the mines to the shipyards. What we have to remember is that worker’s rights, climate justice and fighting the cost of greed we have been catapulted into are all the same fight. At the heart of each of these crises is the exploitation of people and resources, the greed of corporations, the complacency of our world leaders. At the heart of these fights is a deep desire for peace, justice and eradicating unnecessary suffering.

Those fighting for workers’ rights are fighting for fair pay and good working conditions so they can afford proper housing and food. Those fighting for climate justice are fighting to prevent extreme crop failure, water resources drying up and our land being decimated. Those fighting the cost of the greed crisis are fighting for the basic, dignifying human rights of food and housing. We can not separate these fights.

Let us remember no one is free until we are all free.